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  • Kamin Rod / Stud Bolt DIN975

    Kamin Rod / Stud Bolt DIN975

    Thread DIN975 virga, azzar inossidabbli 201 304 316 ħajt sħiħa fornitur stud bolt. 1m 2m 3m tul differenti b'dijametru differenti. Kulur: fidda / blu abjad dettall Ippakkjar: bl-ingrossa Prodott fil-borża tal-plastik → pallet injam; Twassil: Bl-ajru, bil-baħar jew minn termini servizz Ħlas espressi: T / T, unjoni tal-Punent X'inhu virga ħajt? A virga kamin, magħrufa wkoll bħala stud, hija virga relattivament twil li hija kamin fuq iż-żewġ truf; l-ħajt jista 'jestendi mat-tul sħiħ tal-virga. Huma maħsuba biex ikunu lilna ...

  • Parallel ewlieni DIN 6885 manifattur hardware fiċ-Ċina

    Parallel ewlieni DIN 6885 manifattur hardware fi ...

    DIN6885 Parallel Pinnijiet Carbon Steel Flat Ewlenija 1) Materjal: azzar tal-karbonju, azzar inossidabbli 2) standard: DIN6885 3) Daqs: M6-M36 4) Trattament tal-wiċċ: kulur naturali Keys DIN 6885 ma tillaxka kamin għal adattaturi mitħna kombinazzjoni end qoxra Dwar Istati Uniti tagħna kumpanija mwaqqfa fl-1998, huwa disinn stabbiliti, żvilupp, produzzjoni, bejgħ bħala, produzzjoni professjonali kollu u tħaddim ta 'tipi varji ta' qfieli industrijali. Kumpanija tipprovdi: standard nazzjonali (GB), British standard (BS), standard Ġermaniż (...

  • manifattura isfar Żingu Miksijin Linch Kwalità Għolja dwar is-Sigurtà Lock Pin Prodotti fiċ-Ċina Din11023

    Isfar Żingu Miksijin Linch Kwalità Għolja Sigurtà Lo ...

    Linch pin:  DIN11023, linch pin, Wire Lock Pins, lock pin Pins Material: Carbon Steel / Stainless Steel Wires Material: Spring Steel Surface treatment: Yellow zinc plated, zinc plated, plain, Reference M range: M4.5-M12 Reference Length: 30mm-90mm All size or produce according with your request Linch pins are commonly used in the agricultural industry for securing implements onto the three point hitch of a. Linch pins may also be used in place of an for securing hitch pins   The safety ...

  • B'ħeksagon socket sett kamin mal-punt kon DIN 914

    B'ħeksagon socket sett kamin mal-punt kon DIN 914

    Standard: Din914 / Din915 / Speċifikazzjoni Din916: M3-M20 jew Custom Materjal: 35k, 45 #, 40Cr (SAE1045, 5140), SS304, SS316 Proċess Produttiv: Virga tal-wajer → anneal → Aċidu cleaing → Iġbed wajer → iffurmar u ħajt rolling → trattament ta 'sħana → wiċċ kura → ippakkjar wiċċ kura: Plain, ossidu Iswed, Blue żingu abjad, żingu Isfar, Hot dip galvanizzat, kisi tar-ram, Gold kisi, kromju kisi. Kontroll tal-Kwalità: Materja prima jispezzjonaw → proċess monitoraġġ → test Prodott → Ippakkjar kontroll Ċertifikazzjoni: ISO9001: 2008 Ippakkjar: prod ...

  • Iż-żamma tar-Rebbiegħa Azzar fosfat snap Esterni manifattur Ring Washer DIn6799

    Rebbiegħa Azzar fosfat snap Esterni Iż-żamma ...

    Size:M8-M30 Samples: Samples is Free, 1.There is no MOQ,if the items are in stock. 2.Mixed orders and sample orders are also accepted If any other questions,please email us or send your inquiry details in the bottom! As we  known as E-style rings, these rings have three prongs that make contact with the shaft and provide a wider shoulder than other external rings for a larger retaining surface. Use a side-mount retaining ring tool (sold separately) to push them into the groove from the side ...

  • Spring Steel Phosphate External Snap Retaining Ring Washer DIn6799

    Rebbiegħa Azzar fosfat snap Esterni Iż-żamma ...

    Size:M8-M30 Samples: Samples is Free, 1.There is no MOQ,if the items are in stock. 2.Mixed orders and sample orders are also accepted If any other questions,please email us or send your inquiry details in the bottom! As we  known as E-style rings, these rings have three prongs that make contact with the shaft and provide a wider shoulder than other external rings for a larger retaining surface. Use a side-mount retaining ring tool (sold separately) to push them into the groove from the side ...

  • Spring Steel Phosphate External Snap Retaining Ring Washer DIn6799

    Rebbiegħa Azzar fosfat snap Esterni Iż-żamma ...

    Size:M8-M30 Samples: Samples is Free, 1.There is no MOQ,if the items are in stock. 2.Mixed orders and sample orders are also accepted If any other questions,please email us or send your inquiry details in the bottom! As we  known as E-style rings, these rings have three prongs that make contact with the shaft and provide a wider shoulder than other external rings for a larger retaining surface. Use a side-mount retaining ring tool (sold separately) to push them into the groove from the side ...

  • Iż-żamma ċrieki għall xaftijiet Iswed Ossidu Kisi Din471

    Iż-żamma ċrieki għall xaftijiet Iswed Ossidu Kisi ...

    Daqsijiet disponibbli: 8 mm sa 400 mm Istandard Materjal: Carbon Rebbiegħa Azzar Istandard Finish: fosfat u żejt Miftuħ dawn ċrieki, jgħaddu minnhom matul l-aħħar ta 'xaft, u r-rilaxx għar-Rebbiegħa fil-tondjatura. Ring ID titkejjel bit-ċirku uninstalled. Uża jżommu tnalji ċirku (mibjugħa separatament) biex tinstalla u ċrieki jitneħħew. ċrieki azzar rebbiegħa huma għażla ekonomika mal-qawwa tajba. A finitura iswed fosfat huwa kemmxejn reżistenti għall-korrużjoni fl-ambjenti niexfa. F'ambjenti imxarrab, żingu isfar-kromatografija ...

  • Intern Iż-żamma snap Rings għall Toqob DIN472 GB893 żamma Rings għall Toqob - Normali Tip

    Intern żamma snap Rings għall Toqob DIN472 ...

    Seeger-Rings for shafts and bores are the most common retaining rings. These rings provide the most favorable solution with respect to thickness and radial width. They transfer large axial forces from the located mating component onto the groove wall. The external rings can also be used for relatively higher shaft rotational speeds. Material:Phosphated spring steel Bright stainless steel. Applications: Mechanical engineering Automotive engineering Gear systems Electrical engineering Precisi...