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  • Gaika Rod / Ziri Bolt DIN975

    Gaika Rod / Ziri Bolt DIN975

    Haria kanabera DIN975, altzairu herdoilgaitza 201 304 316 haria osoa stud Bolt hornitzaile. 1m 2m 3m diametroa ezberdinekin luzera ezberdinetan. Kolorea: zilarra / blue white Enbalaketa xehetasuna: Produktu poltsa plastikozko → Wood palet batean ontziratu; Bidalketa: Airez, itsasoz edo express zerbitzua Ordainketa baldintzak: T / T, Western Union Zer da haria kanabera? gaika hagatxo bat, hezur bat bezala ere ezaguna, kanabera nahiko luzea dela bi muturretan gaika dago; haria daiteke kanabera luzera osoa zehar zabaltzeko. Diseinatu dira gurekin izan ...

  • Paraleloa gakoa din 6885 hardware Txinan fabrikatzailea

    Paralelo gakoa din 6885 hardware fabrikatzaile ...

    DIN6885 paraleloa Pins Carbon Steel Etxebizitza Gakoa 1) Materiala: karbono altzairuzko, altzairu herdoilgaitza 2) Standard: DIN6885 3) Tamaina: M6-M36 4) Azalera tratamendua: kolore natural Keys DIN 6885 torlojua loosening konbinazio oskol amaiera errota moldagailu About US Gure batera konpainia 1998an sortu zen, eszenografia bat, garapen, ekoizpen, salmenta oso bat, ekoizpen profesional eta industrial Berno mota ezberdinak funtzionamendua gisa. Enpresa ematen du: National estandarra (GB), British estandarra (BS), German estandarra (...

  • Yellow Zinc Plated Linch High Quality Segurtasuna Lock Pin Produktuen fabrikazioa China Din11023 in

    Yellow Zinc Plated Linch High Quality Segurtasun Lo ...

    Linch pin:  DIN11023, linch pin, Wire Lock Pins, lock pin Pins Material: Carbon Steel / Stainless Steel Wires Material: Spring Steel Surface treatment: Yellow zinc plated, zinc plated, plain, Reference M range: M4.5-M12 Reference Length: 30mm-90mm All size or produce according with your request Linch pins are commonly used in the agricultural industry for securing implements onto the three point hitch of a. Linch pins may also be used in place of an for securing hitch pins   The safety ...

  • Hexagon socket set screw kukurutxo point din 914 batekin

    Hexagon socket set screw kukurutxo point din 914 batekin

    Standard: Din914 / Din915 / Din916 zehaztapena: M3-M20 edo pertsonalizatua Material: 35K, 45 #, 40Cr (SAE1045, 5140), SS304, SS316 Ekoizpen prozesua: Wire kanabera → anneal → Azido cleaing → wire marraztea → moldura eta haria gogor → Bero tratamendua → Azalera begira → Azalera begira Enbalaketa: arrunta, oxidoa Black, Blue white zinka, zinka horia, Hot Manteo galbanizatu, Copper ionikoa, Gold ionikoa, Kromo. Kalitate kontrola: Lehengaia ikuskatzeko prozesua → → Produktuen proba → check Ziurtagiria Packaging jarraipen: ISO9001: 2008 Packaging: prod ...

  • Udaberri Steel Phosphate Kanpo Snap Eutsi Eraztun bidezko DIn6799 fabrikatzailea

    Udaberri Steel Phosphate Kanpo Snap Eutsi ...

    Size:M8-M30 Samples: Samples is Free, 1.There is no MOQ,if the items are in stock. 2.Mixed orders and sample orders are also accepted If any other questions,please email us or send your inquiry details in the bottom! As we  known as E-style rings, these rings have three prongs that make contact with the shaft and provide a wider shoulder than other external rings for a larger retaining surface. Use a side-mount retaining ring tool (sold separately) to push them into the groove from the side ...

  • Spring Steel Phosphate External Snap Retaining Ring Washer DIn6799

    Udaberri Steel Phosphate Kanpo Snap Eutsi ...

    Size:M8-M30 Samples: Samples is Free, 1.There is no MOQ,if the items are in stock. 2.Mixed orders and sample orders are also accepted If any other questions,please email us or send your inquiry details in the bottom! As we  known as E-style rings, these rings have three prongs that make contact with the shaft and provide a wider shoulder than other external rings for a larger retaining surface. Use a side-mount retaining ring tool (sold separately) to push them into the groove from the side ...

  • Spring Steel Phosphate External Snap Retaining Ring Washer DIn6799

    Udaberri Steel Phosphate Kanpo Snap Eutsi ...

    Size:M8-M30 Samples: Samples is Free, 1.There is no MOQ,if the items are in stock. 2.Mixed orders and sample orders are also accepted If any other questions,please email us or send your inquiry details in the bottom! As we  known as E-style rings, these rings have three prongs that make contact with the shaft and provide a wider shoulder than other external rings for a larger retaining surface. Use a side-mount retaining ring tool (sold separately) to push them into the groove from the side ...

  • ardatz Black oxidoaren Estaldura Din471 for eraztunak mantenduz

    ardatz Black oxidoaren Estaldura for eraztunak mantenduz ...

    Eskura Neurriak: 8 mm to 400 mm Standard Material: Carbon Udaberri Steel Standard Amaitu: Fosfato eta olioa Open eraztunak horiek, pasa ardatz baten amaieran zehar, eta udaberrian kaleratuko groove sartu. Ring ID dago desinstalatu eraztuna neurtzen. Erabili eraztuna aliketak (saldu bereizita) instalatzeko eta kendu eraztunak mantenduz. Udaberri altzairuzko eraztunak indarra onekin aukera ekonomiko bat dira. black-fosfato akabera da mildly ingurune lehorrean korrosioarekiko erresistentzia. ingurune hezea, zinka horia-chroma In ...

  • Barne Snap Rings mantenduz Bores DIN472 GB893 for mantenduz Bores for Rings - Arrunta Mota

    Barne Snap Bores DIN472 for Rings mantenduz ...

    Seeger-Rings for shafts and bores are the most common retaining rings. These rings provide the most favorable solution with respect to thickness and radial width. They transfer large axial forces from the located mating component onto the groove wall. The external rings can also be used for relatively higher shaft rotational speeds. Material:Phosphated spring steel Bright stainless steel. Applications: Mechanical engineering Automotive engineering Gear systems Electrical engineering Precisi...