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Pameran Kanton ka-127 ditunda

Ieu mangrupikeun panundaan katilu Kanton Kanton dina 67 taun.

On the afternoon of March 23, the Press Office of the People's Government of Guangdong Province held a press conference.

Diumumkeun yén Désa Jérman ka-127 moal dilaksanakeun dina 15 April sakumaha dijadwalkeun kusabab kaayaan ayeuna ngeunaan pandémik COVID-19 sacara global.

Adil Kanton

Dina konperénsi pers rutin anu diayakeun ku Menteri Perdagangan tanggal 26 Maret, Liu Changyu, inspektur kadua Departemen Perdagangan Luar Negeri Menteri Perdagangan, nyatakeun yén Kualitas Kanton ka-127 ditunda. Nalika tanggal husus ditangtukeun, éta bakal énggal dikaluarkeun.

Dina konperénsi pers, wartawan naroskeun yén Pameran Kanton ka-127 moal diayakeun sakumaha anu dijadwalkeun dina 15 April. Naha aya tanggal énggal pikeun acara ieu sareng éta bakal dibatalkeun cinyusu ieu?

In response, Liu Changyu responded on the spot that the Canton Fair is an important platform for China's foreign trade and opening up, and is a "barometer" and a "wind vane" for China's foreign trade.

Since the outbreak of the  COVID-19, the Ministry of Commerce and the Guangdong Provincial People's Government, on the one hand, do all the preparations for the 127th Canton Fair as planned, on the other hand, closely follow the trend of the epidemic, analyze the relevant impacts in depth, and adjust and improve various programs. "After research, the 127th Canton Fair will be postponed. We will continue to make careful preparations with relevant departments and localities to improve various work plans including epidemic prevention and control. After the specific date is determined, we will announce at first time. "

Waktu pos: Mar-31-2020