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The 127 Canton Fair var frestað

Þetta er þriðja frestun á Canton Fair í 67 ár.

On the afternoon of March 23, the Press Office of the People's Government of Guangdong Province held a press conference.

Það var tilkynnt að 127 Canton Fair verður ekki haldinn þann 15. og áætlað apríl vegna núverandi stöðu varðandi COVID-19 heimsfaraldri heimsvísu.

Canton Fair

Á reglulegum blaðamannafundi á vegum viðskiptaráðuneytisins þann 26. mars, Liu Changyu, annað eftirlitsmaður Foreign Trade Department á vegum viðskiptaráðuneytisins, kemur fram að 127 Canton Fair var frestað. Þegar ákveðin dagsetning er ákvörðuð, það verður sleppt fljótlega.

Á blaðamannafundi, blaðamaður spurði að 127 Canton Fair verður ekki haldinn samkvæmt áætlun þann 15. apríl Er forkeppni ný dagsetning fyrir the atburður og mun hún falla niður í vor?

In response, Liu Changyu responded on the spot that the Canton Fair is an important platform for China's foreign trade and opening up, and is a "barometer" and a "wind vane" for China's foreign trade.

Since the outbreak of the  COVID-19, the Ministry of Commerce and the Guangdong Provincial People's Government, on the one hand, do all the preparations for the 127th Canton Fair as planned, on the other hand, closely follow the trend of the epidemic, analyze the relevant impacts in depth, and adjust and improve various programs. "After research, the 127th Canton Fair will be postponed. We will continue to make careful preparations with relevant departments and localities to improve various work plans including epidemic prevention and control. After the specific date is determined, we will announce at first time. "

Post tími: Mar-31-2020